"In the meantime the rescue chopper with its spotlight located the girls on the northern side of the island facing Sponge Bay," police said.
"The IRBs went in, got them off the island, and took them to Sponge Bay to waiting family members."
Callout squad spokesman Justin Martin said the rescue was "nice and simple".
"Sea conditions were near perfect for it.
"The girls did the right thing in waiting on the island rather than try and swim across to Sponge Bay once the tide got too high," Mr Martin said.
"They were OK when we got them off the island, and their family members were very relieved to see them once we landed them at Sponge Bay."
Police Search and Rescue coordinator Senior Sergeant Maui Aben said it was a "very professional response" by all the SAR emergency services involved.
"It was great," he said.
The girls were reunited with their whanau by shortly after 10.30pm.