Education is firmly on political parties’ radars this election. As the ink dries on the Government’s pay agreements with teachers, the Māori Party is campaigning for every school to have at least one Māori member of senior management, Act has proposed the ultimate in school choice, and National wants to transform education one confiscated phone at a time.
The sheer variety of solutions to declining achievement, teacher shortages and truancy reflects the complexity educational issues unleash. The best solutions are the ones that stick to the foundations and framework of our education system, and resist trying to merely raise its kerb appeal.
The Teaching Council is part of that foundation. It sets the standards for both teachers and the institutions that train them. In recognition of the fact that these standards need attention, it’s updating its Initial Teaching Requirements. The council now wants prospective teachers to pass the equivalent of University Entrance exams in literacy and numeracy before enrolling in Initial Teacher Education. It also recognises that teachers would benefit from more time in classrooms, practising in actual classrooms.
Good ideas, but they exist alongside more opaque ones, such as “inclusiveness practice” — “All student teachers need to be able to teach in inclusive ways, as all children have the right to access equitable educational opportunities.” What’s a teacher trainer meant to do with this directive other than give the slow nod that all blindingly obvious statements deserve?
But there’s hopeful news out of Australia.