A new review is now under way to check the state of Tairāwhiti’s regional fresh water and the Waipaoa catchment plan.
Led by the Gisborne Distrcit Council, the Waipaoa Catchment Plan (WCP) was developed alongside the Regional Freshwater Plan and publicly notified in 2015. The catchment plan needs to be reviewed to ensure it meets the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 requirements.
A freshwater advisory group was set up to guide the development of the current catchment plan, with a series of three community consultation rounds undertaken to inform the catchment plan. This review will take a similar approach.
The review of the WCP has four objectives — to actively engage and collaborate with iwi and hapū in freshwater planning; to set up a freshwater advisory group to guide the review; to ensure residents and stakeholders have opportunities to inform how water will be managed ;and to provide clear direction for sustainable management of freshwater in the catchment.
Engagement with tangata whenua is central to the Waipaoa Catchment Plan and the freshwater planning process.