I couldn’t believe the line in the report that says Council “capitulated to central government regulations”. That’s one of the most ridiculous statements in the report (that also has some good suggestions) and I can see why the Mayor is so incensed.
GDC opposed the proposal for a National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forests (NES-PF) when it was first proposed by a Government that the Chair of the Land Use Inquiry was a Cabinet Minister in.
The same National-led Government took the process off the Ministry for the Environment, where national environmental standards rightly sit as instruments of the RMA, and gave it over to the Ministry for Primary Industries. MPI appointed a working group dominated by the forestry industry. Company executives then wrote rules that help them maximise profits and shift the ecological and infrastructure costs on to the community and the environment.
In 2015 Council, along with some hapū on the Coast, registered strong objections when the same Cabinet approved the draft NES-PF, and GDC reiterated its concerns again last year with the current review of the NES-PF.
GDC did the exact opposite of capitulating to these regulations because staff and councillors have seen the catastrophe coming with a one-size-fits-all set of permissive national rules. And what choice did Council have, as a statutory authority, but to follow the rules set by central government that councils are, by law, subject to?!