At the height of the cyclone, the Waimata River overflowed and floodwaters poured through the kayak club’s gear sheds up to head height.
“They removed some boats from lower racks prior, but could not anticipate it reaching the level that it did.
“Unfortunately, the remaining boats filled with silt from the water, causing many to snap from the weight, with around 20 boats needing fixing or replacement.
“They also need to rebuild their jetty steps, replace roller doors, re-gib stairs and sheds, level the lawn and more.
“Unfortunately for a club like this insurance isn’t affordable, so they need all the financial help they can get to get paddlers back on the water.
“At least a couple of families from the club have lost homes due to flood damage.”
Canoe Racing New Zealand will match donations up to $2000.
“We are also helping the clubs directly with any equipment and access to help that we can.”
To make a donation to the Givealittle page supporting the clubs go to