Also according to official statistics, flu kills about 500 a year and always has. But that’s just the direct figures, if you add the “or as an underlying cause where flu among the elderly led to pneumonia, etc,” then over three years you get about — um — 2700 deaths.
(Please don’t take the mickey out of media and politicians who were almost hysterical in their insistence that “Covid is NOT just another flu”)
But hey, it doesn’t really matter if 2700 people died at least partly because of Covid, or that tens of thousands ended up in hospital, because they were all unvaxxed! It was their own stupid fault.
Well, they must have been unvaxxed. Our very own editor assured us, over and over, day after day, that Jacinda was the only source of truth, the vaccine was not only safe, it was “highly effective”. And if Craig Bauld questioned it, that’s OK, don’t print it, obvious “misinformation”.
Getting vaxxed protected us from severe illness, hospitalisation, and death.
Hell, of course it did! Why else would we shut down our economy, destroy businesses, sack unvaxxed people from their jobs, cancel them from their clubs and social outlets? We were saving our children! You know, children, the ones who were never affected by Covid in the first place. Of course getting vaxxed saved thousands of lives, why else would we spend $60 billion on it?
So, obviously, the 2700 dead, they were all unvaxxed. And the hospitalised, they were all unvaxxed. Because the vaccine protected us, right? It was “highly effective”.
OK, maybe not every single one. Can’t really expect the vaccine to be as effective as for polio, or measles, or mumps, or chicken pox. There could be a few exceptions, maybe it was just most of them. Yes, that makes sense, the vaccine protected most of us. So probably only 2500 of the dead were unvaxxed. Or maybe 2000. Or 1500. Or 1000. Crikey, if it was fewer than 1000, that would make the “highly effective” vaccine the joke of the century!
Never mind, easy to prove, we’ll just ask for the official figures. How many of the dead were unvaxxed? What percentage of the hospitalised were unvaxxed? Simple, absolute proof.
Big Surprise! They won’t tell you. They’ll tell you how many were Maori, Pasifika, Asian, Euro, old, young, male, female, transgender, fat, skinny, left wing, right wing, cross-eyed, hump-backed — but they won’t tell you how many are vaxxed/unvaxxed.
So I’ll tell you. They won’t release the figures because they make Jacinda, and our media, look like fools. The vaccine was mildly more effective than paracetamol and lemon drinks. Which is not a big surprise, takes about eight years to create a vaccine, all Big Pharma did was bounce up an ordinary coronavirus (flu) vaccine and rake in trillions of dollars from the stupid. That’s us.
And I have to ask, how do we ever trust our Government and our media again?
See today’s editorial