Earlier that nigh, police were called by his former partner of 18 years after Thomson trespassed on her property at about 8.30pm that night and stood outside ranting verbal abuse at her.
A pursuit was abandoned after Thomson refused to stop and told officers to “chase” him.
A woman sitting at a kitchen table inside the house suffered serious abdominal injuries when Thomson’s vehicle suddenly ploughed through a wall, demolishing a kitchen table where she was sitting.
The woman had to be put into an induced coma and underwent four surgeries at Waikato Hospital.
Blood-tested after his arrest, Thomson returned a reading of 125 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.
He pleaded guilty in July this year to charges arising of wilful trespass, failing to stop for police and drink-driving for a third or subsequent time, causing injury.
A charge of driving while disqualified was withdrawn.