Re: Stop the 52mm concession, April 11 letter.
I have agreed with Merv’s comments about the useless dreams people have about rail travel between Wairoa and Gisborne, owing to soil type that rose from the sea. Far inland, I have collected scallops imbedded in rock that was once the sea floor.
Your call to “Stop the 52mm concession” is a battle I have fought for 20 years to no avail. I’ll tell you why.
The CRA3 fishery is split into three areas — 909 Tolaga north, 910 Gisborne from north of Mahia to Tolaga Bay, and 911 is Mahia.
Right from the start, Mahia fishers agreed to disagree with having the concession around Mahia. This is to do with being a peninsula where females can release their eggs that wander out into the Pacific. It is totally illegal to take 52mm concession crays from Mahia.