The main problem was that most voters knew I did not live in the city.
They knew I lived in my fishing lodge at Motu, or there were more qualified candidates. (For what I don't know)
I now live in the city.
I do actually have considerable meeting experience, having in the past chaired a New Zealand tourism association with up to 180 members, for 25 years.
I know how to get items that would interest most ratepayers and residents on to agendas, and as I am not shy, I will speak out on matters that need addressing — a voice for the silent majority, which in my opinion has not happened enough with some of the decisions already made.
I do realise “you can't unring a bell” but I am aware of some future items I would really like to have my say on — also some ongoing issues that really need sorting.
A classic example would be the wastewater/sewerage problem.
This has generated, with consultants and special committees reports, enough paper to service every town dunny and rural longdrop for future generations, and it is still not sorted.
I once did a contract for council (cruise ships).
I did that on time and within budget.