“Themes from the submissions included property access by FENZ in the built and natural environments, air quality, controlled house burns, fire breaks, fireworks, fire hazards and risks, powerlines, publicity methods for fire bans/restrictions, response plans, rubbish fires and fire risk trigger thresholds.”
FENZ has thanked all those involved in the process.
“It has made a real difference.”
The fire plans outline policies and procedures at a local level for the management of public safety and risks relating to fire, particularly with fires in the open.
Each fire plan outlines, specific to each region, things like declaring the beginning and end of restricted or prohibited fire seasons and the issuing of fire permits.
“They also provide increased transparency to the public about how FENZ's fire control powers are used,” the spokeswoman said.
“In developing the plans we carefully considered the fire-risk profile and conditions specific to each local area.
“It is the first time fire plans of this nature have been developed by FENZ for this region.”