Someone told me recently they would never read the comments if it wasn’t for people like Lara, Russell, Tony, Maree, Tanith, Bob, Sparky and all the people brave enough to deal with a baying pack when a different viewpoint is offered. Their exact words were “it would be shit without that”.
For every person who publicly declares they will not be reading the Gisborne Herald anymore, there are an equal number quietly signing up just to read the sometimes explosive opinion section because they’re finally seeing more of their own voice, and people willing to fight that pervasive colonial patriarchy.
For years, we have seen terms like “looney lefties” thrown around, but apparently what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander. All hell breaks loose when right wing . . . sometimes disturbingly far-right . . . sentiment is challenged.
I, too, am disappointed to see Ron stepping away from giving his opinion. He is one of the more decent writers, regardless of whether I agreed with him or not.
However, the problem is not the alternate opinions of “lefties” but the refusal of the right to change with the times. The “looney greens” make more rational arguments about important issues than any other party lately. They stick to their values, which include respecting the planet and the web of life. Thinking long term and holistically. Respecting cultural and individual diversity. Recognising a duty of care towards those who cannot speak for themselves. And my favourite, CHALLENGING oppression.
In challenging oppression we can expect the oppressor will attack, name call and assassinate character. That’s all part of making much-needed change — a move away from neoliberal policies, capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy.
I have historically spread my vote between Labour Green. But this year, I’m giving two ticks Green, because they’re the only party that makes any sense in these unstable times.
Maybe we could apply the word “looney” to the right instead, because all I see from the right is a desperate clinging to capitalistic power and a Eurocentric stifling of diversity.
The right’s trickle-down economics don’t work! It’s a fantasy proven wrong, over and over.
You may be offended by the strong language used by myself in particular, but you’re probably not as offended as the people STILL being oppressed by a broken system. That is what offends me and it should offend you too.
Radical change is needed and if the left are looney then I’m flying over the cuckoo’s nest with them.