“We have a staff member who has been with the company for 30 years and is still on less than $20 an hour.”
Another striker said the staff deserved more pay.
“It’s a kick in the guts that they think we are only worth what they offered us.”
First Union organiser Colleen Ryan said Farmers workers were unhappy with the continuation of a performance review process built into their collective agreement.
“The company is not offering a significant pay rise and what they are offering is linked to performance.
“The staff will not get a pay rise unless they meet the performance requirements Farmers has set,” she said.
“Farmers workers typically start on or near the minimum wage ($16.50).
For most roles, the pay scale ends around $17.50 and any pay increases from there are obtained only through performance pay reviews.
“Farmers members believe the performance pay review system is unfair and they have handed in a more than 600-strong petition to management asking for the living wage ($20.55 an hour) and an end to the performance pay system.”
“Farmers’ management do not appreciate us enough,” said another taking strike action.
“We deserve to be paid the living wage.”
The Gisborne store remained open during the stoppage.
“They brought in staff from the Bay of Plenty and security officers to keep the store open,” Mrs Ryan said.
The striking staff were each handed, one by one, suspension notices as they left the store yesterday.
“The notices said they were suspended from work until such time as they returned to work.
“The staff who took part in the industrial action all knew they were not going to be paid while they were on strike anyway — so I don’t see the point of the suspension notices.”
The same notices were handed out to staff in a number of other Farmers stores, but it has been reported that did not happen in every store when staff went on strike.
Ninety-three percent of the union’s nationwide membership within Farmers voted in favour of strike action over the issues.