Beef and Lamb New Zealand is running Farming for Profit field days in Gisborne and Wairoa next week.
Front Footing Change and Adapting Farm Systems for a Profitable and Resilient Future offers an opportunity to hear from top farmers on how they are building resilient businesses and tackling regional challenges.
B+LNZ extension lead Mark Harris says the Gisborne field day on Wednesday (12.30pm to 4pm) will involve a farm tour of the Loffler property at Whangārā.
“See how the Lofflers are finishing home-bred bulls at 400kg by 15 months on pasture, and lambing over 170% in the face of parasite challenge and drench resistance on their property.”
A wide range of subjects will be discussed during the field day - beef genetics, AI, performance, profitability cow herd, progeny, sheep performance, flock mating structure, selection and cull policy, genetics, finishing lambs, growing hoggets, integrated grazing, worm monitoring and control, and increased kill weights.