When the council describes a situation as “extreme danger” I believe it should also call for extreme urgency to solve the problem. Removing the woody debris from our beaches next summer is not extreme urgency.
We are spending money to attract tourists to this part of New Zealand. Who wants to come here when a child has tragically died and another has been seriously injured by the log problem on our beaches — and those children have come here on holiday with their families? Not the sort of publicity we need when that news is published around the country.
I think the council should start the clean-up now and bill the Eastland Wood Council for the clean-up. The wood council can invoice its sponsors/members — bearing in mind Rule 7 of their Code of Principles: “Take accountability for our actions and inactions.”
We have tourists here all year round and they want to see our beautiful beaches.
And, yes, you can clean the beaches up again in summer! They are one of our greatest assets and should be protected year round.