Temporary Accommodation Assistance will soon be available to more people who cannot live in their homes due to the severe weather events here last year, Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says.
“This will help more people who had to move out of their homes and have extra accommodation costs to cover following the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023, and floods that hit the top of the South Island in August 2022. Funding had previously been set aside to help with this but the eligibility criteria were quite narrow, and some homeowners missed out due to circumstances beyond their control. We know some people have endured significant financial hardship since these severe weather events, and I’m pleased we’ve found a way to support them.”
Those who now qualify include —
People whose homes are uninhabitable but did not receive a red or yellow placard from their council.
People whose lack of insurance cover was for reasons outside of their control, having taken reasonable steps to get insurance cover in time.