Breakfast was provided afterwards.
Te Karaka community leader Pimia Wehi said this was an opportunity for the community to come together to reflect on what happened a year ago.
Meanwhile, in Gisborne, a community karakia was held at Marina Park at 7am.
It was organised by Mahi a Atua and Horouta Waka Hoe with support from Te Aka Whaiora and Gisborne District Council.
Mark Kopua started the karakia at 7am and it was followed by kōrero, a sausage sizzle and live music by Whirimako Black.
Mr Kopua said a year on, many people were still struggling with issues like insurance and housing.
“We wanted to have commemorations for the event the whole community had to endure. The community was disconnected from outside,” Mr Kopua said.
“The Tairāwhiti community had the ability to endure and pull together.
“The event is about remembering the devastation but also celebrating the community’s endurance and ability to come together.”
Up State Highway 35, an event named Whakanuia was organised by Huarahi Pai Whānau services for those in Rangitukia and Tikitiki.
Whakanuia means to commemorate or reflect.
A karakia at 8:30am was followed by a remembrance hīkoi that started at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori Tapere-Nui-A Whatonga and was followed by a tree-planting ceremony at Kahukura Park.
From 11am to 2pm, activities were planned at Pae-o-Te-Riri School in Tikitiki and featured entertainment, spot prizes and a hāngī.
Anne Huriwai, on behalf of the community, thanked the sponsors — Trust Tairāwhiti, Te Whatu Ora and Eastern and Central Community Trust.
“For us here in Waiapu, Whakanuia is a day of remembering not only Gabrielle but Bola, which hit us hard,” Ms Huriwai said.
“Thirty-six years on nearly to the day, our people still remember this time because it devastated our community.
“Today we show our gratitude for each other and celebrate our resilience and our togetherness as the people of Waiapu.”
Futher south to Wairoa, a memorial 1.8km hīkoi and commemoration service started at 6am at Ruataniwha Road and ended at Memorial Park, Tapuae.