Mr Hyland said they had not been able to do a lot for two weeks.
“We will still be able to harvest what’s left but it’s going to be slow going. Just under 1000 tonnes is still out there.
“We are hopeful we can salvage the crops that have had floodwater through them.”
The other company spoken to, Glencore Grain, only has a small amount left to harvest.
“About a truckload. It’s in the Nuhaka area and we should be able to pick it next week,” said regional manager Dave Corrin.
“We had a very good run of weather and harvesting conditions.
“We were lucky those two rain storms came when they did, because almost all of our crop was in.”
Both companies have reported above-average yields this season.
An estimated 40,000 tonnes of grain maize will have been picked by the time the season is wrapped up.