Re: A bit late with his climate crusade . . . January 10 editorial.
Thanks for the ups Jeremy, but abusing your position of editorial control shows you should consider standing down. That you’ve attempted to publicly pariah only shows how close to the truth one may be getting, and that your climate crusade is unravelling.
Sadly you won’t allow debate or discussion, and your editorial today displays all the hallmarks of a climate crusader — the attempted manipulating and cherry-picking of data to suit your argument — or in this case, the attempt to take down an apparent adversary.
Your gaslighting editorial discusses anti-science and requesting supporting evidence. I have privately sent you plenty of supporting evidence; you have even commented that some are worthy, in your esteemed opinion, however when included in a letter/comment you blatantly refuse to publish, cancelling any debate or discussion.
Your claim to promote free speech is as laughable as the previous Government’s claim to have improved both the economy and public services.