In my opinion, we are losing the mainstays of a healthy society such as quality healthcare and good law and order.
The administrators in these areas claim that Covid, environmental problems and the general world situation are responsible for our knock-backs. They also say all is coming right. I say that is not so.
Take healthcare — lack of suitable staff at Gisborne Hospital is just about grinding colonoscopies, diagnosis of intestinal cancers, gastric cancers, etc to a standstill.
The situation must be wearing down staff who are publicly “keeping the faith” by constantly having to apologise for the rescheduling of colonoscopies, yet at the same time trying to maintain the myth that the departments are still functioning competently. I for one do not believe it.
Some of the relevant local hospital staff maintain the party line, out of loyalty, but my reading between the lines of what they say tells me that they would be happy to have the reality of the situation opened up to the public.