These four prime ram lambs from Eastland Farms Ltd - Strathblane Station, at Hangaroa, topped the sale today, being sold for $174.
Picture by Trevor Brown
There were only 194 sheep yarded at yesterday’s Matawhero Sheep Sale, all being in the small pens.
This included 114 prime lambs and 59 prime ewes. Maurice Gilmore offered a pen of six healthy new season lambs, which sold for $60. Generally the heavier prime lambs sold well, with continuing
low prices for prime ewes and smaller store lambs. There will be a regular Friday sale on October 27, followed by a special spring lamb sale at Matawhero on Thursday, November 2, comprising of 3500 lambs, sired by terminal rams, on account of Totangi Farm Ltd, at Ngatapa.
Best prices: prime lambs: Eastland Farms Ltd - Strathblane, 4, $174, 2, $164, 4, $149; MD Gibson, 6, $173; Linburn P/S, 2, $159, 4, $133; Mead P/S, 3, $152; SJ Bennett, 1, $149; Waiwhenua P/S, 9, $144, 3, $115; Helen Cook, 2, $139; Bushy Knoll Forest Ltd, 15, $136, 6, $128; G&H Cook P/S, 2, $136; Wilson Pastoral Ltd, 6, $132; ML&PB Clarke, 5, $131; Raewyn Bruce, 15, $131; W&KJ Waite, 3, $130.
Prime ewes: William Blackmore, 3, $91, 4, $72; Raewyn Bruce, 1, $90, 5, $88; Linburn P/S, 5, $86, 11, $84, 11, $79; Maurice Gilmore, 4, $86; Bushy Knoll Forest Ltd, 10, $83, 1, $80; Bruce Farming Ltd, 4, $82.