In a Facebook post, the woman said she found him at around 5.30pm on Wednesday at Midway Beach.
She said he was “all skin and bones” with wounds along his neck, and the head injuries were so severe his right eye had “popped out”.
The spokeswoman said Jimmy’s eye was removed on Thursday.
“Due to the extent of his eye injury, vets had to perform an eye enucleation. Jimmy recovered well from the surgery and is in the care of the Gisborne SPCA.
“He will go out to stay with a foster family until he has fully recovered and gained some weight. It’s likely to be quite some time until he is ready to be adopted.”
More often than we realiseThe spokeswoman said this happens in Gisborne far more often than people realise.
“It’s hard to quantify the extent of cases like this, but the SPCA inspector sees cases where animals are not being treated properly or receiving the vet care they need almost weekly.
“We’d like all New Zealanders to understand their obligations as a pet owner. There is help out there for those needing it.”
The spokeswoman said criminal charges would depend on what an investigation uncovered.
“But purposeful blunt force trauma would certainly be an offence under the Animal Welfare Act.”
“The good news is that even though Jimmy has been through such a horrific time, he still has a great attitude and wags his tail.”
“The inspector tells me he’s a “kind soul” who was even still wagging his tail when they were stitching up his eye.”
CareVets veterinarian Alyse Stewart expects him to make a full recovery.
“When he came in he was extremely malnourished. We had to remove the eye and also stitch up some other wounds.
“But he is an awesome dog and has recovered really well. He was eating his breakfast on Friday morning, showing great signs.”
Vet costs are estimated to be between $1000 and $1500, depending on how fast he recovers.
Anyone with information about Jimmy, who he belonged to and how he was injured should call the Gisborne SPCA call centre.
Anyone who wishes to make a donation towards Jimmy’s treatment and recovery costs can do so at CareVets Gisborne, bank account number 030 318 0019895 00 Ref: JimmySPCA.