Ben Green, Tairāwhiti Emergency Management Group manager, said while there was a general appreciation of the physical impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle on the region, there was a lack of awareness of all the critical events and actions that took place within the regional Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC).
“The situation is dynamic with a myriad situations that evolve, and time is a rare commodity,” Mr Green said.
“This was a complex event on a large scale which is often difficult for affected groups and communities to comprehend on a regional, let alone national, level. This will give people a chance to put into perspective the scope and scale of the event.”
Mr Green said the report also highlighted the efforts of the emergency services, community groups and volunteers who were all ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help their people.
The timeline shows when the community were advised to evacuate, when Urban Search and Rescue staff were deployed, when people in the city needed to conserve water when the pipeline broke, and when various partner agencies undertook actions.
The report is available for the public to read.
To see the preparedness and response timeline, see the Road to Recovery page on the council’s website,