Armies never tell you what their strategy is, but if you look at the problems they are faced with, you can usually figure it out.
No solution they come up with can be perfect — wars do not allow for perfect solutions — but their options are always limited, and they will generally go with the least bad one. So why has Israel ordered all Palestinian civilians to evacuate the northern part of the Gaza Strip within 24 hours?
What the Israel Defence Force (IDF) intends is to create a “free-fire zone” in the northern third of the Strip, where its soldiers can use maximum firepower without killing large numbers of civilians.
That’s also why Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip and planned the recent mass slaughter of Israel civilians in the area around the Strip, is urging Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza to stay put. They need the civilians there to deter the Israelis from blowing up everything that moves, or alternatively to provide mountains of dead “martyrs” for the cause.
But what’s the Israeli strategy? Consider the nature of the task the IDF’s commanders were given. Priority One: “Root out” Hamas’s infrastructure in the Strip, killing all the senior commanders but also most of the activists.