Farmers were not being hard done by, Cr Tupara said. They had Federated Farmers “that went out to bat for them time and time and time again”.
Manawhenua did not.
The term Ngati Pakeha implied a status similar to that of iwi.
“Iwi had a whakapapa to that river and the farmers do not. They might say that they do. They may feel that they do, but they do not qualify . . . for an iwi label name.”
Cr Alder immediately apologised and withdrew the term.
He said he was struggling for a term to use “when you’ve lived all your life and your grandparents, and in some cases, your great grandparents, have lived on that river, and you feel a real affinity with that environment.
“We do not have a term for what that is in our language. But it is a real feeling and there is a real feeling that we are being left out.”
Cr Alder said he would find another term.