The staff report before Sustainable Tairāwhiti said it was straightforward to amend the camping bylaws to remove the Waka Kotahi sites from the bylaw.
It was also possible to write to Waka Kotahi, but the process of approaching the agency and the following consultation and bylaw review requirements meant the process could not be completed in time for the beginning of summer camping.
Councillor Larry Foster said he was not happy that summer camping in some main camping areas “may not be on the cards”.
He was not happy the issue of summer camping was being raised in August.
The government legislation was passed in June and should have been discussed earlier.
He wanted to know, by the end of the meeting, whether there would be more camping at the sites.
Cr Foster accepted there were climate change/erosion issues at Turihaua.
Cr Colin Alder said last summer had been a poor one which had left many people looking forward to the upcoming summer.
He asked if there was any temporary solution.
Cr Tony Robinson said he was disappointed the parliamentary legislation did not raise a flag.
A letter should be sent to Waka Kotahi and a decision made to allow camping to proceed this summer.
Mayor Rehette Stolz said freedom camping had been a difficult issue since the government made changes for the benefit of the 2011 Rugby World Cup.
“Once again, we find ourselves in a situation which we didn’t really play a part in.
“We’re like the meat in the sandwich - when the legislation dropped.”
Cr Debbie Gregory said it was not known if Waka Kotahi would agree to their land be made subject to the camping bylaw.
She believed it would be better to wait until the Waka Kotahi reply was received before supporting any amendments/recommendations.
Mayor Stoltz said the matter was out of council’s hands.
It was not an option “to push it out.”
The legislation had “dropped” and council’s bylaws needed to be consistent with government legislation.
“We are between a rock and a hard place.”
Councillors Robinson and Gregory voted against the recommendation.
Council Robinson said he strongly supported the intent but believed the wording of the direction to write to Waka Kotahi was not in accordance with the proper subsection of Freedom Camping Act 2011.
Cr Gregory said Waka Kotahi might turn down council’s request.
“I do not understand why there’s a need to rush this through.”