Valuable information was gained during the pilot for the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), the council and landowners. However, follow-up with MfE was postponed due to the cyclones and had not been revisited.
The FWFP process should have been rolled out here in recent months, but the requirement for FWFPs in Tairāwhiti and Hawke’s Bay has been deferred until 2025 due to the impacts of the cyclones.
Funding from MfE had enabled the recruitment of a team leader for land management, an iwi/hapū adviser, a regional catchment facilitator and one of three senior catchment advisers.
The region had been divided into three catchment areas: Waipaoa, Motu and Hangaroa; Waimatā, Waiomoko, Pakarae and Uawa (including Mangahauini); and Waiapu, Waikura and other northern catchments.
“The funding arrangements are sufficiently flexible to allow a wide range of work streams to be progressed by the land management section. This includes assessment of land for land use change and the Forestry Plan Changes and ongoing assistance to catchment planning (simultaneous work by the strategic planning department), other National Policy Statements, assistance to technical advice for regional resource consents, and continuation of existing initiatives.”