“While we understand our communities are still facing uncertainty and loss, the increase and level of abuse to staff is not acceptable.
“Supporting our staff remains crucial and we are working through the following.” —
Online training has been deployed to all public-facing staff as part of an increased staff support programme. Stage two webinars in progress.
Monthly meetings between the council’s enforcement and public facing teams with police, increasing the ability to share intelligence and trends and improve its overall communication and support.
Supporting the large wood debris (LWD) project team with specific site safety plan (SSSP) reviews and contractor re-approvals by independent third parties SHE Assure and Tōtika.
Successful recruitment of a health and safety adviser with strengths in supporting staff wellbeing.
WorkSafe’s facilitation wānanga Te Kawa a Tane concluded, resulting in an improved coordinated approach to kaimahi health and safety and collaborative working.