Re: Testing year but progress noted, July 29 story.
Matt Todd notes “that it has been a tough year for everyone in Tairāwhiti and Eastland Group is no exception”. Although, it could be said that the employees of Eastland Group are an exception.
The highest paid employee of the group, which one would assume is Mr Todd, received
$1.15 million in remuneration for the year ended March 31, 2023. This is an extraordinary amount of money given the performance of the Eastland Group in the same period. It appears Mr Todd may have been generously rewarded for the sale of Eastland Network, together with another seven employees who last year received in excess of half a million dollars (although, some of these payments may have been inflated by redundancy payments).
Either which way, it would be helpful if the chairman could give some context to these payments at the AGM.