Sustainable land use advocates are calling for Gisborne District Council to clarify its position on the future of land-based activities in the region.
Responding to comments from chair Warren Rance, chair of Eastland Wood Council, at a council meeting this week, Mana Taiao Tairāwhiti chairperson Tui Warmenhoven said the industry was saying one thing in public but doing the opposite in practice.
“We are confused by Mr Rance’s claims that the forestry industry has made massive changes since 2018 but has not had many opportunities to show the steep change in operational improvements.
“One of the largest companies in the region had new court action taken against them just last week by the local authority for ongoing resource consent breaches.
“An Enforcement Order was lodged with the Environment Court against Ernslaw One and related companies for forestry slash from the West Ho Forest being discharged on to neighbouring properties and into the Pakarae River which makes its way from behind Tolaga Bay to come out at Whangara.