The majority of the weaners were Angus and Hereford X Angus.
Rose Haynes received the best price of $1100 for a pen of 10 Shorthorn cross weaner bulls, weighing 321 kg.
Prices per kg —
Steers: $4.37 - $3.24.Bulls: $4.07 - $3.03.
Best prices —
Steers: Marika Station (2010 Ltd), 100, $1065, 20, $1025, 60, $900, 53, $850, 12, $700; RD Blair, 10, $1060, 30, $905, 11, $840; Rangiata P/S, 8, $1030, 10, $865; Carl Hamlin, 13, $1030, 32, $900, 21, $865, 14, $780; Mangapoi Station Ltd, 9, $1030, 25, $780, 4, $760; Piritaha P/S, 38, $1015, 13, $950, 44, $900; HD and W Boyce, 21, $1005, 9, $940; Tiki T Waitoa, 4, $1000; Kowhairau, 8, $980, 25, $870, 9, $790.
Bulls: Rose Haynes, 10, $1100, 11, $920; Rakm Holdings, 20, $1080, 7, $800; Whangara B20 Station, 29, $1070, 22, $900; Carl Hamlin, 3 $1070; Andrew Falloon, 8, $1070, 3, $705; Mangapoi Station Ltd, 5, $1000, 15, $860.