A dedicated team of six support the family violence service covering an area from Napier in the south to up and around the East Coast and inland through to Ōpōtiki. This team consists of qualified and skilled social and support workers, counsellors, programme facilitators, child protection specialists, advocates and advisers , who deliver services “beyond just safe and respite housing”, said Ms Davies.
The role of social worker, Juliette Elliott and her other family violence team members is primarily to support victims of family violence by providing safe and respite housing, advocacy, information and support. This could be anything from simply offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, to support to get protection orders, transport to doctors, WINZ and other local support or even relocating to other towns or countries.
“The most effective relationship is internally with the other experienced and skilled members in the organisation who are the transitional housing team, made up of social works, community support, administration and security. It also includes a volunteer community gardener,” said Ms Davies.
Te Whare Tu Whānau is part of the Violence Free Tairāwhiti Network — a cross sector network of government and non-government agencies who work together to address family domestic violence within the Tairāwhiti district. On a daily basis the team works closely with such like-minded services as Whare Ahuru-Mowai/Gisborne Rape Crisis and collaborates with teams such as Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke, the national framework where police, iwi and qualified kaiāwhina work in partnership to attend to and reduce family harm.
“We receive donations throughout the year, often receiving goods from those who have decided to go into a retirement home and need to downsize. While most people don’t seek recognition for their generosity, recently we were given lots of good quality linen from a grandmother who had decided she wanted to go into a home. She came from a seven-bedroom home and we were very grateful for the help,” said Miss Tuhaka.
If anyone would like to donate items, they can ring 06 8679427 to schedule a time for drop-off. The Family Violence support 24/7 phone line is 0800 377 600.