More and more bull breeders have been using genetic tools, according to the latest research for the Beef + Lamb New Zealand-funded Informing New Zealand Beef programme (INZB).
According to the survey, one in five commercial beef farmers now use artificial insemination and more than three-quarters of commercial farmers (77 percent) buy bulls from breeders that use genetic tools — tools like Estimated Breeding Values, Breeding Indexes, artificial insemination, genomics and/or embryo transfer.
INZB programme manager Gemma Jenkins said it was encouraging to “see a rise in the understanding of the numbers and science behind beef genetics, and the ability to apply the genetic processes on farm, and a continued belief in the use of genetics”.
“This is the third year we have undertaken the survey and it’s evident that the industry is making progress.
“Breeders in particular are confidently using genetic tools,” she said.