Countries like ours (members of what remains of the Free World) appear to be divided into two groups of people who have already made choices about our future, both here at home and as members of the commonwealth of nations collectively facing the problems of the times.
Unfortunately, for the rest of humanity, those same choices were never theirs and even the ones that might have mattered, have already been made by others.
That is why l find it appalling that far too many people in this country seem apathetic to the opportunities that abound, where every citizen has the right (almost an obligation) to have a say about the way we are governed and by whom.
This apathy is highlighted by the abysmal turnout at local body elections, which should result in fair representation for all but too often end up in the hands of radicals and activists who have an agenda that is not in the best interests of the majority.
Consequently, any ideas that don’t fit their narrow focus usually end up in the trash can or at best, are subjected to a very low priority classification from which they never see the light of day.