But question time will be something of a sideshow as the Government launches its 49-point, first-100 days programme that includes a raft of sweeping changes.
One of those, the removal of major amendments to smokefree laws that were expected to significantly reduce smoking harm, has already drawn heavy criticism. Luxon has responded that his Government is committed to lowering smoking rates but does not see the smokefree legislation as the best way to accomplish that.
There are only three weeks left in the sitting calendar, and much of the first week will be taken up with ceremonial and procedural processes, including maiden speeches.
National has a tight deadline to achieve its objectives before the House rises for the Christmas-New Year break. From next Monday, the House will go into urgency to push through some key Government policies.
These include changing the role of the Reserve Bank to a single mandate of fighting inflation (excising the dual mandate introduced in 2018 of also supporting maximum sustainable employment); and repealing the Fair Pay Agreements legislation, the Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Act, and the Clean Car Discount scheme. It will also introduce a bill to extend 90-day trial periods to all businesses.
Undoing legislation is the easy part. There are some major battles ahead for the new Government to get its bold agenda in place.