It was good news this week that teacher unions have suspended industrial action following a meeting with the Education Minister, but I really have been so disappointed to see the present era of teachers striking to get more pay. Sure, times are hard but they weren’t much easier in the old days.
Back then teachers did as much work as those of our present time. They had to mark papers at home too. They chose the teaching profession because that is what they wanted to do, teach!
Now it seems that what teachers today receive is not enough. Surely the job or profession they chose was to teach children to the best of their ability.
I chose a profession of being the best retailer I could be and also the best display artist around. I never asked for a pay rise as I felt my managers gave me what they felt was adequate. I like to think that my endeavours were recognised and I was rewarded accordingly. My life revolved around Holeproof (NZ) Ltd, Rosies, DIC, Arthur Barnetts and then The Gisborne Herald.
Sure, teachers have to work after hours marking papers etc, but I also spent hours researching what I could do to improve my performance.
During my schooling I had, what I consider, the best teachers I could have had. None of my teachers ever went on strike.
Now, I see countless children riding past my home on bicycles, accompanied by a teacher, as part of their school day. The cycling time would be better spent with those children learning to spell, write and working on arithmetic. Riding a cycle is not going to give them a job.
Teachers, you actually have a better paid job than probably 80 percent of the working population in New Zealand.
Your holidays aren’t too bad, either — and don’t tell me you spend that time working out teaching for your return to the classroom.
Many of us wouldn’t mind around 12 weeks of holiday each year.
Mike Mulrooney