Gisborne District Council wants to know where residents get their information about what the council is doing — is it through the GDC website, Facebook, the Gisborne Herald or somewhere else?
In an effort to make sure the community is being communicated to in the best way possible, residents are invited to take part in a survey — How well do we communicate with you? — launched by the council at the A&P Show.
“It‘s never lost on us how important communication is with our residents. You’re our target audience and at the heart of everything we do,” council director of engagement and Māori partnerships Anita Reedy-Holthausen said. “This survey will help us improve how you receive news from the council and show us how informed you feel as a region.
“We’re heavily in recovery mode and the Government’s $ 204 million package has been accepted. As we move forward with improvements to our region, we want to ensure we take you along with us around what’s being done and how this money is being spent.
“To ensure we’re communicating as effectively as possible, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey.”