Fire and Emergency New Zealand has developed a “fire plan” for regions across the country, including Tairāwhiti, and has put it out for public consultation.
A fire plan outlines the particular fire risk conditions that exist or are likely to exist for a specific area, the local policies and procedures for the management of these conditions and how Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) will use its fire control powers.
Each plan outlines, specific to each local area, things like what indicators FENZ will consider when deciding to change to prohibited or restricted fire seasons, or prohibited activities which can be a high risk of causing a wildfire; how firebreaks might be used to reduce the fire risk; and information about environmental factors that are relevant to their work to reduce risks from fire and to manage the potential impacts if one occurs.
FENZ wildfire Specialist Graeme Still said it was important for people in their local areas to have their say as this would directly impact how fire is managed in their area.
“We really want to hear from people about what they think of their local fire plan,” he said.