I can’t promise miracles, but I can promise to share what helped me move from surviving to thriving.
The secret sauce is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping.
At Lizzies Insights, we specialise in EFT tapping — a technique that has the power to bring about profound change across every facet of your life. It’s not magic, but it sure feels like it when you start experiencing the shift.
EFT can unlock a door to a life with less baggage, more resilience, and a renewed sense of self. It’s about connecting with your emotions in a way that sparks lasting change.
The technique involves gentle tapping on specific acupressure points, activating the body’s relaxation response and reducing cortisol levels. EFT serves as a powerful tool for managing and regulating emotions, fostering emotional balance and resilience. Tapping is utilised to address and release negative emotions, traumas or limiting beliefs, aiding in emotional catharsis.
Combined with tapping on acupressure points, EFT is believed to send calming signals to the amygdala, contributing to the mind-body connection. This process can turn down the signals that ignite panic, anxiety and other types of reactions in our bodies and minds.
EFT tapping empowers individuals to take an active role in their emotional wellbeing, providing a practical and accessible self-help technique. It is easily learned and practised by individuals of all ages, and it is non-invasive, requiring no special equipment.
While individual responses vary, many find EFT to be a valuable and effective tool for stress management and fostering a positive mindset.
Picture facing challenges with newfound resilience, understanding yourself in new ways, and having a toolkit filled with skills you can apply in your everyday life.
The two workshops — “Writing a New Script for Your Life” and “Turning Down the Noise of Overthinking and Worrying” — cost $55 each and offer the chance to leave armed with information and skills that can make your life better. They aren’t just about theory; they’re about practical, hands-on learning. You’ll also receive a workbook filled with exercises and reminders which ensure that the impact extends into your daily life.
If this interests you, don’t miss the opportunity to invest in yourself. Book your spot, and let’s make this a day to remember. With Lizzies Insights, the journey to a better life begins now.