I write in support of the high need for an indoor sports event centre.
Tairāwhiti is recognised across the nation within many sporting codes, yet at this time our region does not have many, if any, indoor facilities to cater for our sports.
Our region is also highly recognised in the cultural arena. We have hosted many cultural events over the years here in Gisborne, at a local and national level — primary kapa haka nationals twice, secondary school kapa haka nationals, secondary Ngā Manu Korero nationals — which all have had limited seating.
We have also hosted many sports events here in Tairāwhiti at a national level and I know for sure if we had our very own indoor sports events centre, we would be able to host many more indoor events in the future.
Nāku i roto i ngā mihi
Te Aowera Kupenga-Tiaki