I guess it is no surprise to see in the Budget where this Government’s spending priorities are!
It’s just a pity that the Labour Party is so disingenuous with its “self-centred“ interpretation of a commitment to “serve” all of its citizens — if in fact that commitment was ever intended to be fulfilled.
In this latest process of allocating funds to those who one would assume are in most need, one of the largest deposits is in the form of billions put aside in anticipation of public servant wage increases. It is as if this allocation was the grease that would, as much as anything else, ensure the economic wheels keep turning.
Unfortunately, the truth is that many government departments are already hugely overstaffed and some would only marginally affect the outcome of our annual balance sheet if they disappeared off the face of the Earth.
In saying that, some core public services always seem understaffed and underpaid even though they are critical to the nation’s survival as a sovereign state — teachers, health professionals and police being top of that list.