Of the recorded deaths, 13 were from Auckland, four from Waikato, one from Tauranga, two were in Hawke’s Bay, one from Taranaki, one was from Whanganui, six from Wellington, one from Nelson-Marlborough, seven from Canterbury and five were from Dunedin- Invercargil Southern.
One was under 10 years old, one was in their 40s, one was in their 50s, three were in their 60s, eight were in their 70s, 20 were in their 80s and seven were aged over 90. Of these people, 24 were women and 17 were men.
Epidemiologist Michael Baker told RNZ Covid-19 booster vaccines are essential to help stem the tide of the fifth wave of the virus sweeping the country,
“Anyone over 30 can get a booster at this stage if it’s over six months since their last dose or last Covid infection.”
Boosters were particularly vital for those aged over 75, Māori and Pasifika over 65 or people with underlying health conditions, Prof Baker said.
Of people aged 50 to 64, fewer than 40 percent had received their second booster.
He wants see more awareness raised about booster eligibility by Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health.