They were under the tutelage of lead instructor Kayla Tane, who went through the CACTUS (Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit & Support) programme in 2012 before a seven-year career in the New Zealand Navy. She is now a fisheries officer.
The group of instructors included Sergeant Willis Tamatea and constables Rangi Kingi, Mark Atkins and Geoff Pardoe from the New Zealand Police, and Kelly Humphries from Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
“In all, the students covered 26 kilometres during The Longest Day of running and exercises,” Lytton’s CACTUS coordinator Tania Bartlet said.
“We started the programme with 20 students and by The Longest Day, 15 remained.
They all completed the final day.
“It was a very successful course and the students got a lot out of it,’ she said. “They should be very proud of themselves.
“We will be running another CACTUS programme in 2024.”
CACTUS is run in partnership with NZ Police, FENZ Gisborne and Lytton High School .
The JN Williams Trust has supported the programme over the past 12 years.