Full marks to Friday’s student demonstrators. They truly want a healthy planet; in other words a future. They may have little knowledge of the drastic degrowth that is the only way to achieve this, but that will come . . . both the knowledge and the degrowth, now in embryo.
Dunce’s caps to the broadcast media who went to that genius, David Seymour, and no one else, for his profound and original comment that the protesters should have been in school.
Of course the business world has got everything mixed up. On Thursday’s business page they are wanting more EV sales, instead of fewer vehicles in toto; unaware that the lifetime resource footprint of EVs is as bad as a conventional car, and that their future is far from sustainable. Funny how bank economists call low demand a “soft” market. This shows their disdain for social concerns, and literacy: when times are hard, they call it soft.
On the same page they bemoan regional economies being frosty, cold or cool; unaware that these economies are more than hot, as they burn up the planet.
Repair after recent disaster or neglect is one thing; fancy buildings, stadiums, swimming pools, bridges to nowhere, and needless roads for private transport quite another.