Antonio received the top score overall.
The 28-year-old is doing a building apprenticeship with Awanui Construct.
As well as winning the Gisborne title, he collected a $500 ITM gift voucher and earned a place in the national final.
There he will compete against 19 other regional winners for the Ken Read Memorial Trophy and $25,000 worth of prizes.
The national final will be held during the New Zealand Certified Builders national conference and expo in Christchurch in May.
NZCB industry pathways and apprenticeship manager Nick Matthews said Saturday’s competitions demonstrated the outstanding quality and diversity of apprentices training in the industry.
“Nationwide we’re seeing increasing diversity among apprentices entering the building trade, with a record number of female apprentices competing this year.
“The regional competitions have set the bar high ahead of the national final and these events are a great opportunity for communities around New Zealand to get an insight into building apprenticeship training and to celebrate those apprentices that are excelling in their field.”
NZCB actively encourages member builders to take on apprentices.
“The future of New Zealand’s building industry depends on a strong pipeline of trade-qualified, highly capable builders, and the NZCB Apprentice Challenge is one way we support that on a national level.”
The forts built are being auctioned off through TradeMe, with proceeds going to KidsCan and Cyclone Gabrielle relief funds.
Several will be donated to play centres in affected areas.