Mr Green said the funding promised would continue the Government's significant investment in improving mental health and addiction services for the region's population.
“It follows on from funding made available for Te Waharoa, Wā Haumaru, Te Hiringa Matua, Te Awa, additional supports for pre- and post-addiction rehab, Access and Choice, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Well Child Tamariki Ora Pilot, primary mental health and addictions services.
“These are developments on top of the mental health and addictions services already provided by Hauora Tairāwhiti and Ngāti Porou Hauora,” Mr Green said.
“This is a new phase to further strengthen services for people who have made a choice to change their use of alcohol and other substances, and support their whānau.
“It is in line with the Government's findings in the mental health and addictions review, He Ara Oranga, and our local consultation and plan, Whāriki, in which the voice of the community was strong on the need to further expand services of this type, and this will enable even more response to that call.”
Mr Green said the specific funding for “workforce” would be especially important as the district health board was seeking more staff.
This funding would also help implement kaupapa models of working with whaiora and whānau. This involved specific practices around the selection of providers guided by the types of services required, the targeted population and expertise and experience of the providers, guided by the DHB's partnership with iwi.
It was “too early to give any indications” on how the funding would be used, Mr Green said.
Manaaki Tairawhiti said Budget increases for DHB funding were —
' $128.3 million in 2019 and $32m in 2020 for additional national investment over four years.
' 2020 funding supported increased regional rehabilitation residential services. Within Manawa Taki (Midland's five DHBs, which include Hauora Tairawhiti,) this increased support to the region's residential rehabilitation centres.
' In the 2019 budget Manaaki Tairāwhiti received funding for the new mental health and addiction services unit.
' In 2020 the proceeds of crime funding in conjunction with NZ Police enabled the creation of the Te Awa service, which provides addiction support for whānau in crisis.
Local initiatives over and above this include —
Te Waharoa supporting whānau with mental health and addiction issues, and being the gateway to specialist clinical services.
Te Hiringa Matua supporting hapū and whānau with addiction issues.
The Well Child Tamariki Ora (enhanced) programme was funded from the 2019 Budget. It has an underlying focus on whānau with mental health and addiction issues.
A new Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) initiative is in development to support whānau whose pēpi are at risk of FASD and other addiction-related conditions.