Last season, Biosecurity New Zealand issued notices of direction to 11 vessels for failing biofouling assessments. In some cases, affected cruise ships were unable to visit environmentally sensitive areas like Fiordland.
“We are aware one of the 11 vessels that received a notice of direction cancelled a visit to Gisborne after undergoing cleaning outside New Zealand’s territorial waters.
“The season was challenging for some vessel operators. In many cases, cruise vessels had been sitting idle for many months during the pandemic. Long layups can contribute to marine growth and reduce the effectiveness of antifouling coatings.
“Despite the challenges, we commend the cruise industry for its compliance efforts. The majority of cruise ships visiting New Zealand met last season’s biofouling regulations. Those that didn’t, worked with us to address failings, and most were able to complete their full itineraries.”
There was high awareness about New Zealand’s biofouling rules among cruise lines this season and a keenness to comply, he said.
Cruise lines must demonstrate they meet a range of biosecurity requirements to gain approval to voyage to New Zealand.