Prices paid for the 16 prime ewes were from $88 down to $60.
One pen of 11 store ewes sold for $51.
A pen of 59 heavy, mixed-age ewes with good body condition and good teeth, ready for mating, failed to attract a bid.
Having recently sold his small farm, Ross Buscke ended his life-long association with selling sheep at the Matawhero saleyards yesterday.
As a youth he assisted his father, Dudley, at Matawhero, later managing Manawanui Station at Te Wera, before moving to a small block near Gisborne.
Best prices — store male lambs: Matuku Trust, 35, $108, 103, $84, 87, $72; CNA & JM Marr, 47, $90.5, 122, $83; Aorangi P/S, 10, $85; Bill Fisher, 41, $79, 129, $73.5, 98, $58.
Store mixed-sex lambs: Aorangi P/S, 77, $86, 27, $69; Rau White, 42, $86; Mangapoi Station, 70, $74, 159, $56, 77, $46, 36, $30; Reginald Proffit, 24, $50.
Store ewe lambs: CNA & JM Marr, 117, $93, 310, $83, 79, $65; Waitangi Terrace Station, 113, $77, 304, $71.50, 199, $71.