“In our experience, lessons with trained instructors are key to the success of our Graduated Driver Licensing programme.
“This ensures students are safe behind the wheel and understand the road rules before they go for their first test.
“Not everyone can afford lessons or multiple tests — that needs to change.”
Ms Pahuru-Huriwai was not overly positive at the abolition of the resit charges.
At Tairawhiti REAP, road safety was considered the paramount factor, not the number of resits, he said.
“Driver instruction and education is critical to ensuring there are fewer resits and safer drivers on the road.”
The Gisborne Regional Transport Committee has previously expressed concern at the low past rate for learner drivers.
According to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency data, 76 percent of local learners pass their theory test on the first attempt and 53 percent of people on a restricted licence pass their practical driving test the first time around.
Ms Pahuru-Huriwai said such figures were concerning.
Driver education and instruction was the key to lifting those figures.
“Eliminating the cost of a restricted licence is helpful, but it is not the answer.”
Finding driver testing officers has been difficult in Wairoa and on the Coast.
Both the Gisborne Regional Transport Committee and Tairāwhiti REAP know this delay has inevitably led to young people breaching licence conditions and possibly ending up in the justice system.
But Ms Pahuru-Huriwai said the Community Driver Testing Officer (CDTO) role had been extended for another year.
CDTO is part of the Tairāwhiti Driver Licensing Trial partnership between Tairāwhiti REAP, McInnes Driving School and Waka Kotahi.
The testing officers work exclusively with Tairāwhiti REAP students who must live in rural areas.
“We are grateful to be continuing our work with Waka Kotahi.”
She hopes sustained funding will be sourced in the future.
“We encourage Waka Kotahi to listen to communities, and to continue to work on systemic change within the driver licence system to ensure Aotearoa has safer drivers.
“This includes advocating for a rural driver road safety programme that prepares drivers for the challenges of driving on our rural highways and local roading network.”