The Cancer Society helps all people with any cancer, and their whānau and friends to deal with a cancer diagnosis.
Daffodils will soon be seen all over the country including in Tairāwhiti and 8000 yellow hi-viz-clad volunteer collectors will hit the nation’s streets for the 33rd annual Daffodil Day.
Long-term daffodil supplier Māhia’s Merv Goodley is preparing for his final Daffodil Day after 15 years.
And here in Gisborne, “I’ve already made the first pick from Te Karaka,” said local cancer society fundraising and events co-ordinator Shay Podjursky.
She expects the number of daffodils to be down this year because of the continuously bad weather.
Usually around 1400 bundles of daffodils arer bought locally by Daffodil Day supporters.Miniature potted bulbs are also available.
The public can also support the Cancer Society with raffles at The Warehouse, Pakn’Save and Countdown.
On Daffodil Day the collectors will be at these venues and at the Ballance Street Village, Lytton West as well as Tolaga Bay 4 Square,and at Te Karaka.
Volunteer collectors are still needed, either from 10am to midday, or from midday to 2pm on August 25. Contact the Gisborne East Coast Cancer Society at 867 1795.
The Cancer Society advocates for cancer patients, providing a voice on all kinds of issues including cancer prevention, screening, early detection and treatment. It supports people during treatment and beyond through a wide range of core services in supportive care and information and helping to connect people.
The society runs community health promotion and cancer prevention programmes.
It also has a wide range of resources, written in plain English for patients and whānau.
The society can put patients in touch with support groups. It also offers transport to cancer treatment, and can help with emergency financial assistance via grants.
Other assistance offered includes oncology massage, breast prosthesis service, counselling and referrals to Look Good Feel Better workshops.
The Gisborne-East Coast Cancer Society gratefully acknowledges all volunteers and all donations or purchases.
The Gisborne Vintage Car Club will again be running its annual fundraising rally to Tolaga Bay to raise funds for the Cancer Society.
It will leave The Warehouse carpark at 1pm next Sunday, August 20.
Participants can pay a $10 fee to take part.
A park and display of the vehicles will be at the carpark from 10am to 1pm.
Everyone is welcome no matter what kind of vehicle you drive.
• Inquiries to Graeme Revell 06 8673508, 027 284 5844 or email