Those young artists involved in this project are Maia Kerekere, specialising in object photography, Te Kotuku Tangohau Brown (digital prints), Te Whaitiri Tangohau Kakau (raranga kete whakairo) and Tapuhi Broughton Tuapawa (painting).
“We want to support them to become the next artists from the region that excels. Everything we do is about excellence in art and we want to lead them, teach them, show them the pathway to advance, and help them to create their own exhibitions,” said Rina.
She also wanted to provide a space for the artists to gather and recuperate from the toll of Cyclone Gabrielle. All the participating artists were involved in recovery response groups after the cyclone.
“We haven’t had a time to create or just rest. This exhibition is about resetting a space for artists, post-Cyclone Gabrielle,” said Rina.
That space came in the form of a shed used as the flood recovery centre for kai, and prior to that, a gym. The building sustained damage to the roof and carpets in recent heavy rain. The floor coverings had to be pulled up and have provided a backdrop for the artwork display.
“Before the space was utilised for more community projects, we decided to have this exhibition,” said Rina.
The last art exhibition held in Uawa was some 20 years ago. It was named Te Tou Tekani, and was a reflection on the legacy of the region. A larger art exhibition is planned for November, at the Reynolds Hall, Tolaga Bay.
In addition to the excellence and hard work these artists have contributed, five of the group will be heading to Florence, Italy later in the year. They will be exhibiting at The XIV edition of the Florence Biennale - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art and Design.
Te Huapae is presented by Te Whare Hauora o Te Aitanga-a- Hauiti, an organisation that provides advocacy and support for whānau, iwi and community, based in Tolaga Bay. With 100 percent of sales going directly to the artists, this art event has attracted local school visits and communities from across the region.
■ The exhibition is at Te Whare Hauora o Te Aitanga-a- Hauiti, 8- 12 Main Road, Tolaga Bay.
It is open from 10am- 4pm until tomorrow, Saturday.